The Centre for Research, Documentation and Promotion of Fucecchio Marshes

Osservatorio Le Morette

download the brochure of the Nature Reserve (Italian, English, German)


Dal 1 gennaio 2024 le attività rivolte al pubblico del Centro RDP Padule di Fucecchio Onlus sono interrotte ed il Centro Visite della Riserva Naturale del Padule di Fucecchio, a Castelmartini, è chiuso al pubblico in attesa di un cambio di gestione.




Aiutaci ad Aiutare l'Ambiente

  Censimento uccelli acquatici svernanti 2024


Sommario generale e aperture Centro Visite

Calendario visite guidate ed eventi

Leggere l'ambiente - Biblioteca Cerreto Guidi

La riserva mancata, presentazione libro 16/12

Il ritorno della cicogna

 Arnovecchio area naturale protetta

AAA si cercano volontari per Centro Visite

Le buone erbe, corso Pistoia febbraio-marzo 2023

Laboratori didattici e visite per le scuole 2022-23

Alla scoperta del Padule di Fucecchio, ott-dic- 2022

Incontro sulla presenza del lupo, 3 dicembre 2022

Mostra micologica e visite (ultima 4 dicembre)

IO RICORDO, registrazione video dell'evento

Workshop disegno naturalistico, 8 maggio

Corsi di Birdwatching, marzo e aprile 2022

Specie alloctone invasive, diretta Facebook

"Illusioni nel canneto"

Arnovecchio: visite classi scolastiche 2021-22

Convegno on line fauna toscana, 28 nov. 2020

Nuova guida del Padule di Fucecchio

Progetto falene della Valdinievole - Citizen science





The centre is closed to the public.

For information:

Centre for Research, Documentation and Promotion of Fucecchio Marshes

Via Don Franco Malucchi (già via Castelmartini) n. 115, 51036 Larciano (PT)

Tel. and fax 0573/84540



The Centre (tel. 0573/84540, email

The Centre for Research, Documentation and Promotion of Fucecchio Marshes, the ONLUS Association, formed of representatives of public bodies and Associations interested in protecting this environment, aims to promote the conservation and exploitation of the historical, environmental and naturalistic aspects of Fucecchio Marshes and Lake Sibolla wetlands of national and international interest, as well as other environments in northern Tuscany, especially in the River Arno Basin.

The Centre collaborates in the management of the Fucecchio Marshes Nature Reserve  by organizing the use of the protected area for both educational and tourist purposes, carries out research and monitoring of environmental quality, develops study, conservation and naturalistic restoration projects that also involve other wetlands of the region.

The Centre gives particular importance to educational activities for all age groups, including in-service training and refresher courses for teachers.

It also has a Laboratory for Environmental Education in the Fucecchio Marshes at Castelmartini, that offer schools 50 different itineraries for nature and historical-environmental trails related to the Fucecchio Marshes and other places of interest in the neighbourhood: Lake Sibolla, the Cerbaie Hills, Montalbano.  Meetings are arranged for different classes, in the open and in the specially equipped structures.

The Centre also organises guided tours for school groups and adults.  These are led by qualified Environmental Guides under Regional Law no. 86/2016.


How to support the activities of the Center

Anyone can support the Center by collaborating directly with the various initiatives, sending a financial contribution to the bank account IBAN IT82 I053 8378 1720 0004 7610 555 or allocating the 5 x thousand of IRPEF with the indication of the fiscal code of the Association: 90011500478.
For any other information, you can contact the operators of the Centro R.D.P. Padule di Fucecchio at 0573/84540 or by writing to


The new visitor's Centre of Castelmartini

The new Visitor Center of the Fucecchio Marshes Nature Reserve "Baronessa Irene Alfano Montecuccoli" in Castelmartini is the main point of reference for the use of the protected area and hosts the Laboratory for Environmental Education in the Fucecchio Marshes.

It is a large wooden structure of about 400 square meters, well inserted in the environment and surrounded by an open space of 3,500 square meters, built with particularly innovative techniques and all the measures required by green building to optimize energy efficiency, quality and the eco-sustainability of the building.

Inside a large room there are materials related to the historical and naturalistic aspects and to the local traditions of the Fucecchio Marshes; the traditional boats, the "castle" for the breeding of silkworms, the nets, tools and artifacts made with marsh grass, the model of the Ponte di Cappiano and that of the ancient Porto de Le Morette, shapes of fish and water birds.

The Visitor Center also has two large classrooms equipped with various teaching aids including binocular and biological microscopes (with video connection), an exhibition of collected "natural objects" and products made with marsh grasses. In the Laboratory there is also a well-stocked thematic library on wetlands, while outside there is a green space with spontaneous shrubs of Montalbano and tanks for aquatic plants.

The Visitor Center also hosts temporary exhibitions (photography, naturalistic design, etc.) and, inside the bookshop room, the permanent exhibition of the preparatory works of the monument in memory of the fallen of the Massacre of 23 August 1944, made by the sculptor Gino Terreni, donated to the Municipality of Larciano .


Legge 124 - Obbligo di comunicazione delle informazioni su entrate di natura pubblica

Ai sensi della L. 124/2017 si comunica che l'associazione nel corso dell'esercizio 2022 ha ricevuto un contributo di euro 10000,00 (di cui euro 5000 incassati il 17/10 e euro 5000 incassati 19/12) dalla Presidenza della Regione Toscana per attività di monitoraggio e  promozione della Riserva Naturale del Padule di Fucecchio nel 2022: monitoraggio delle specie ornitiche oggetto di conservazione (uccelli svernanti e nidificanti, cicogna bianca), delle piante acquatiche e della biodiversità; organizzazione della fruizione (educazione ambientale e visite guidate, educazione permamente, eventi speciali); aperture e mostre al Centro Visite di Castelmartini; promozione e comunicazione.



Lo Statuto del Centro RDP Padule di Fucecchio Onlus


Nuovo Centro Visite di Castelmartini